Hello Blogosphere!

Welcome to my blog.  You likely don’t know me but you soon will.  Very little will be left to the imagination while I relay information, criticism, and opinion layered with cynism covering topics that I know very well (marketing, sports, functioning with massive hangovers, etc.) as well as topics of which I’m quickly gaining expertise thanks to my wife (pop-culture, entertainment, the ‘Real Housewives’ franchise…).

The goal of this site is to both educate and entertain by relaying my experiences and thoughts about the world of marketing (especially in the digital and direct categories) via amusing anecdotes drawn from my areas of expertise.  Most of the content found here will be opinion hard-formed by 10+ years of providing marketing services to major brands for my highly successful direct/digital marketing agency.  I’ll share a lot of opinions based on my life lessons – and I encourage you to share yours, even if dissenting – I look forward to proving you wrong 🙂

More about me (it’s my blog after all):  Beyond being a 10 year veteran of the advertising/marketing industry, I’m married with two amazing kids.  I’m a great dad and rising star of the baseball coaching fraternity – I can manage the bench of 8 year old little leaguers like no other!  I’m a former college athlete (which makes me a current frustrated athlete who can’t let go the ‘Glory Days’), addicted to golf (but can’t seem to get any better), addicted to Philly sports (which continue to get better!) drink too much and sleep too little (but oddly successful during these times).  So that’s me…  stay tuned for some cool stuff that I know!

    • Kristi
    • August 16th, 2011

    Looking forward to reading all your nonsense! Blog away…blog away…

    • Tone
    • September 11th, 2011

    Me Too!

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